Posts tagged okc
SHEP’s Connection Corner - March Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

March 2025

Forward, March!

Welcome to Oklahoma!

That weather was a doozy and then to double it with that weird strand of whatever illness cocktail was going around. We pray everyone has been protected, is healed, and is well. Speaking of illness cocktails, How about those allergies?

One really neat fact is, honey actually helps alleviate symptoms of seasonal allergies. (If you’re not allergic to honey, of course.)

The key is the bees. The local bees make the local honey. The pollen on their bodies when they go from flower to flower falls into their honey making process, thus anyone consuming the honey is actually consuming antibodies. Nature is so cool!

Share with us your allergy remedies. It may help someone ❤️

February was lovely nonetheless, even if it only felt like a week. Here we are marching to the beat of...well...march!

in February we loved our a game day event. It was a great time and friendly competition. It’s fun to get out of the house and hang out with friends.

Forward, March! This month we will invite you to join us on People with disabilities day. be sure to check out the details below!

who likes green and a good time? I sure did! But, did you know that’s not really what saint Patrick’s day is about? It’s actually a Christian holiday and a very special day in ireland. St. Patrick was a former slave that escaped and became a priest. he then spread christianity to the multitudes throughout ireland. He even created a celtic cross amongst other things to spread the word of God. Because of his love for god,they called him a saint.

Ireland observes the day of his death as a holy day, St. Patrick’s day. Throughout the years tales have been spun and we see leprechauns protecting gold and drinking beer and wearing green to avoid getting pinched. I do admit finding a four leaf clover is always awesome!

What's going on?

People with disabilities awareness day

When: Noon to 4:30 pm on March 11

Where: Oklahoma History Center, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Be seen, wear green.

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SHEP’s Connection Corner - February Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

February 2025


We’re already Here!

So no one caught that the last newsletter still said 2024? Hahaha! What did 2024 mean to you? Are there things you are carrying over into 2025? The Bible, particularly in Isaiah 43:18-19, encourages letting go of old things and embracing new by saying, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.".

Sometimes changes come through like a storm. it’s how you react to the storm. How do you navigate when pressure is applied? new members join SHEP regularly for help in their storms. We don’t just help through your s.o.s call (By the way, SOS began as a morse code distress call meaning “save our souls” or “save our ship”. let’s put some praise on it and declare “savior oh savior”!) We also nurture involvement and inclusivity in the community.

With the cold and storms in january we had to postpone our january game day. we were really looking to see who was going to be the victor. Have no fear! Another game day is near. we are having games with sweeties for our february event, saturday the 15th. it will be early enough in the day where you will still have time to go out with your ultimate sweetheart if that’s your heart’s desire. It’s fun to gather with shep friends as well to spend time and show love.

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SHEP’s Connection Corner - January Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

January 2024



God doesn’t give us resolutions. We get revelations. Something to think about... What have you reflected on and how are you taking that and moving forward? Greatness is in you and with you, And we are blessed to be a part of your circle.

Here is our prayer for you to kick off the year.


We pray love, wellness, prosperity, and love over each and every reader of this newsletter and any connections they have with anyone. We pray for the hands, minds, and hearts of everyone, from the leader of the country, authorities,and loved ones, debt collectors, and anyone that runs across our minds. Lord, we come to you with thankfulness in our hearts for the gifts you bestow on us daily. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Let’s get this year started on the right foot. I heard a joke that right before the clock strikes midnight on New Years, if you lift your left leg and only stand on your right leg, then you’re guaranteed to start the year off on the right foot. Either way, we’re in it to win it, and on the right foot at that!

We “sleighed” December! Our annual Christmas party was nothing short of fun and laughter. Congratulations to the winners of the Musical Popcorn game! It was a game where when the music stopped and you were the one holding the wrapped gift (kind of passed around like hot potato) then you were the one that had 3 seconds to blurt out a holiday themed word that no one else has already said. You can imagine the hilarity. You just had to have Been there!

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SHEP Connection Corner - October Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

Give Me The Scoop!

SHEP Connection Corner - October Newsletter

It’s Officially Fall!

Okay, okay... so we have still had some hot days but at least the three digit weather is gone.

Did you make it to the September IamDB? Get there! Fun is a given but we have also been learning braille. Thanks to our very own Gene sharing your knowledge of the machines you use. Gadgets have come a looooong way!

At the very end of the September was Robin White’s birthday! It’s not too late to go on our Facebook page and wish Robin a very merry birthday. Yes, merry! It’s almost that time ya’ll! Wait... just wait! We have something fantastic planned for October. A hoedown! Have you ever been to a hoedown? Well this one is one to etch in memory lane. Come and experience the fun! Fliers have gone out, but if you have questions please reach out to us. We are inviting Tulsa participants and arranging a van to pick up at Jeri’s House.

Limited seating so jump on this quick to get transportation to the hoedown before we fill up!

Psalm 85:12: "The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest." Harvest time is near! What does that mean to you? Not just gathering fruits and vegetables. The harvest of Kingdom work! What you sow will be evident in your harvest. We are thankful blessed to be able to provide for this magnificent community. Your community! Our community! We will never cease praying over you all.

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SHEP Connection Corner - August Newsletter

SHEP's Connection Corner

Like a beanstalk…

We are growing and still hiring SSPs. We have

trainings available in Tulsa and OKC!

Did we beat the heat?

The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire!” Have you

heard of that song? The next verse says, “We don’t

need no water...!” Ummm...yes, yes do. We

need lots of water. This heat has been intense! We sure do hope you are keeping cool and staying hydrated out there. The bible even tells us how to keep a cool head. Proverbs 17:27-28 The intelligent person restrains his words, and one who keeps a cool head is a man of understanding.

July has been a scorcher! Please be good to us, August! July did bring about some good things though. July 17th was our vice president's, Alethea’s, birthday and then July 20th was our technical operations manager Tiara’s, birthday. We had a lot to celebrate! We also had a pretty spectacular indoor game day SHEP event.

School is starting up for many this month, from elementary to college. For that reason, we are not having an

August SHEP event. We will have one next month before we head out to camp in October. This month our SSP

manager will be going on vacation. All SSP requests must be received All SSP requests must be received before

August 11 th  and after August 19 th .  Changes to requests that have already been made cannot be accepted during

that time either. A letter will be emailed with more details.

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The Residents Fire Academy is a program targeted toward adults in the Oklahoma City community. Academy participants will obtain an insider’s view of the services the Oklahoma City Fire Department provides, information about fire safety for the home and workplace, and a deeper understanding of the duties of a firefighter by engaging in hand’s-on activities.

As an added benefit, participants will have the opportunity to do “ride-alongs” at Oklahoma City Fire Stations during this eight-week academy.  This will be a great opportunity for the participants to see all the things that they have been learning about come together in real-world incidents.

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SHEP CONNECTION CORNER - April 2023 Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

It’s Raining, It’s Pouring!...and Oh Boy, That Wind!

Strong and Growing!

We have 3 new SSPs! 3 in Tulsa and one in OKC!

SAY WHAT! Yes! Keep requesting SSPs!


Let it rain and the flowers shall bring forth!

Smell the wind of change? Smell the spring air? Well...we are springing into action with our clubs and events! You heard about IamDB launching last month! Got questions? Ask away! We are still gathering interested individuals in the program. Just ask Vicky and we will get you all squared away.

Here’s a word from Cassandra; Read the scripture Matthew 12: 34-35. It discusses how we speak positivity from the heart. Good people speak good out of their hearts and evil things come from the mouth of those that need a cleansed heart. Let’s pray, encourage, and lift each other up! Be a great influencer with a positive outlook. Let’s share our strengths and build a  strong and prosperous community brick by brick.

And building we are!

We have a lot of events coming up! Be sure to check the calendar. A reminder is below.

April 13th is our very own, Angelisha’s, birthday!

We would love to give you a shout out for your birthdays as well! Send us an email letting us know about your birthday, anniversary, or any special event so we can show love and shout you out. We love pictures too, so throw those in the email if you so please!


                      There’s no rain on this parade! Look what’s coming ahead!

Look at what the wind blew in!

April 18th, SHEP will be at A Taste of Midwest City!

Have you heard of it? A lot of vendors will be there!

5800 Will Rogers Road Midwest City, OK 73110



April 3rd Rose State College Spring Career Fair 10am to 2pm.

Rose State Campus in the Jeanie Webb Student Union building on the second floor.


April 15th SHEP Event - 10:30am to 12:30pm - Let’s roll the dice on FUN!

April Showers Brings Game Hour

OSU HSEC room  3401 W Reno, OKC, OK


April 15th there is also a social event at Jeri House to  meet at the Charles Page Blvd Highschool parking lot around 9:30 then shuttle to the Sand Springs Herbal Festival


April 25th Oklahoma Nonprofit Advocacy Day 8am to 12pm 

Oklahoma State Capitol, 2nd Floor Rotunda

Every first and 4th week of the month there is a coffee chat with the president. Join us!

Details on our calendar and social media!

Need a SSP? Contact Vicky!Want to be a SSP? We have what you need! Request or register on our website:


Contact our Operations manager Vicky Helms. Email

RIDDLE ME THIS: What goes up when rain comes down?

Answer: an umbrella!



 Give us some funnies on Facebook or email us: We would love to hear from you.

This April we challenge you to plant something and start recycling!

Find us on Facebook or visit our website

Hey, did you know?

  • April 9th is Easter this year.

  • April 28th is Arbor Day. This day is set aside to encourage us to plant trees to help the environment.

  • Taxes are due on the 15th. UGH.

  • The Land Run of 1889 happened in Oklahoma where  men and women rushed to claim homesteads or to purchase lots in one of the many new towns that sprang into existence overnight. An estimated eleven thousand agricultural homesteads were claimed.

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Public Invited to Disability Program Policy Hearings

OKLAHOMA CITY - Proposed rule changes potentially affecting several programs for Oklahomans with disabilities will be the focus of a public hearing held by the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services and the Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council.

The public is encouraged to attend the meetings in Oklahoma City on Feb. 5, Tulsa on Feb. 6 and Lawton on Feb. 7.

Programs affected by the proposed new rules are administered by DRS and include vocational rehabilitation and employment services for Oklahomans with all types of disabilities.

DRS provides a variety of services that help individuals with disabilities achieve employment, personal independence and self-sufficiency. The Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council advises DRS on development of policies and plans for rehabilitation services.

Proposed policy changes effect the following chapters: Chapter 1 - Administrative Operations, Chapter 3 - Management Services Division and Chapter 10 - Vocational Rehabilitation and Visual Services.

The changes include housekeeping items such as removing the references to the Independent Living Program, which is no longer operated by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, or adding language to clarify the Division of Visual Services may serve individuals with sight threatening progressive conditions or functional limitations due to sight loss. As well as an updating agency and program names to remove obsolete references.

Other changes include definition updates, removal of extended evaluation language and removal of homemaker employment outcome language to reflect recent federal law changes.

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Newly Released Videos on HKNC Website

The Helen Keller National Center announces two new training videos for deaf-blind individuals and family members. These videos were developed and are presented by deaf-blind individuals and are fully accessible with captioning and transcripts.

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‘He Can’t Hear You!’: Deaf Man Shot Dead by Oklahoma City Police as Neighbors Scream in Horror

A deaf man carrying a metal pipe was fatally shot by Oklahoma City police on Tuesday night as neighbors frantically tried to tell officers that he couldn't hear their commands.

Magdiel Sanchez, 35, was shot and Tasered on a porch on Tuesday around 8:15 p.m. after he allegedly advanced toward officers following a hit-and-run involving his father, Police Capt. Bo Mathews said Wednesday.

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In time for the holidays: OSB's new Family & Friends Cookbook

Look what’s cookin’! Allison Garner reports that the Oklahoma School for the Blind Family and Friends Cookbook will be available soon. OSB staff has worked hard to get the cookbook ready in all formats. Several DRS staff throughout the agency submitted recipes and may be interested in purchasing a cookbook. OSB’s cookbook is available in print, Braille, and PDF versions that are either screen reader friendly -- or not. Get a $2 discount per item if you buy five or more items.

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