Posts tagged february
SHEP’s Connection Corner - February Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

February 2025


We’re already Here!

So no one caught that the last newsletter still said 2024? Hahaha! What did 2024 mean to you? Are there things you are carrying over into 2025? The Bible, particularly in Isaiah 43:18-19, encourages letting go of old things and embracing new by saying, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.".

Sometimes changes come through like a storm. it’s how you react to the storm. How do you navigate when pressure is applied? new members join SHEP regularly for help in their storms. We don’t just help through your s.o.s call (By the way, SOS began as a morse code distress call meaning “save our souls” or “save our ship”. let’s put some praise on it and declare “savior oh savior”!) We also nurture involvement and inclusivity in the community.

With the cold and storms in january we had to postpone our january game day. we were really looking to see who was going to be the victor. Have no fear! Another game day is near. we are having games with sweeties for our february event, saturday the 15th. it will be early enough in the day where you will still have time to go out with your ultimate sweetheart if that’s your heart’s desire. It’s fun to gather with shep friends as well to spend time and show love.

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SHEP CONNECTION CORNER - February Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

What is love?
Love is patient. Love is kind.
We have been in love with the spring weather we have been getting sprinkled here and there! !
We want to interpret our love with an IamDB Valentine event. In the upcoming months we will have fun together with the help of the pitter patter of little paws. We are planning to have a guide dog special!
We have lots of love to give! We want to love on our SSPs as well. We will have 2 events to spoil our beloved SSPs while we recertify them. The OKC team will have a paint and sip while the Tulsa team will go bowling. Next time we may do a switch-a-roo of the activities. We have had questions about recertification for SSPs that are coming up due. If you’re coming up due for re-certification before September 2024, our spring certification sign ups are open. If you will be due September or later this year we will hold another re-certification in the fall. Please contact us so we can get you scheduled,
SSPs anyone?

We have had new SSPs join us! Please welcome Sarah and Ellie! We are pleased with our new SSP chat group. If you are not in the chat group please get the details from Amanda so you can hop in and not miss out.
Guess what! We took a poll towards the end of 2023 amongst our DeafBlind community and decided to get some bling.
Well...a SHEP t-shirt. Hahaha! Those that come to the next SHEP event will get their t-shirts first. After the event we will be sending them out to everyone we polled. No charge! This is all love.
We are working on our plans for the DB camp coming up in October. The theme is Happy Days! Think 50’s Happy rock and roll times. More details and registration forms will be rolling out.
Every month there is something going on so stay tuned!

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