Posts tagged newsletter
SHEP’s Connection Corner - February Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

February 2025


We’re already Here!

So no one caught that the last newsletter still said 2024? Hahaha! What did 2024 mean to you? Are there things you are carrying over into 2025? The Bible, particularly in Isaiah 43:18-19, encourages letting go of old things and embracing new by saying, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.".

Sometimes changes come through like a storm. it’s how you react to the storm. How do you navigate when pressure is applied? new members join SHEP regularly for help in their storms. We don’t just help through your s.o.s call (By the way, SOS began as a morse code distress call meaning “save our souls” or “save our ship”. let’s put some praise on it and declare “savior oh savior”!) We also nurture involvement and inclusivity in the community.

With the cold and storms in january we had to postpone our january game day. we were really looking to see who was going to be the victor. Have no fear! Another game day is near. we are having games with sweeties for our february event, saturday the 15th. it will be early enough in the day where you will still have time to go out with your ultimate sweetheart if that’s your heart’s desire. It’s fun to gather with shep friends as well to spend time and show love.

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SHEP Connection Corner - April Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner


April Showers brings us...Opportunities!


Rain down on me

Blessings on blessings and blessed to be a blessing. James 1:17

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

We pray the blessings of the Lord rain down on you!

We have been on the move and enjoying the weather.

The season is near! Tornado season...and the constant change in the wind and temperature. April showers brings May flowers, and storms are a-coming.

Here are some things to take into consideration:

Sign up for weather alerts that provide notifications through text messages, emails, and/ or vibrations. Did you know that weather alert radios can provide real time weather updates with vibrating and flashing lights alerts? It’s crucial to have a safety plan in place, especially for tornadoes. What and where would be your safest shelter? Have a safety network in place. This could be neighbors, family, friends, or caregivers.

Our DeafBlind community here at SHEP has been growing. Oh happy day!

Speaking of Happy Day, our camp registration has opened. Camp will be in October, so it’s a hop, skip, and jump away. We have already received registration forms! How exciting! One common question has been the rooming and roommate situation. On your form, please fill it out completely with your requests. We are still gathering information about rooming. We will have a better idea when we get a little closer to the date. Cassandra, our president, and Jeri of Jeri’s House, will be taking another trip to the campsite and will have a better idea of how we will assign rooms between the DB and the SSPs/observers. We’ve already designed the camp shirts, taking inventory, and putting together the goodie bags. If you’ve ever been to one of our hosted camps, you know you’re in for quite a treat! 


Let’s Take a Stroll

Need a SSP? Contact Vicky! Want to be a SSP? Request or register on our website:

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SHEP CONNECTION CORNER - February Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

What is love?
Love is patient. Love is kind.
We have been in love with the spring weather we have been getting sprinkled here and there! !
We want to interpret our love with an IamDB Valentine event. In the upcoming months we will have fun together with the help of the pitter patter of little paws. We are planning to have a guide dog special!
We have lots of love to give! We want to love on our SSPs as well. We will have 2 events to spoil our beloved SSPs while we recertify them. The OKC team will have a paint and sip while the Tulsa team will go bowling. Next time we may do a switch-a-roo of the activities. We have had questions about recertification for SSPs that are coming up due. If you’re coming up due for re-certification before September 2024, our spring certification sign ups are open. If you will be due September or later this year we will hold another re-certification in the fall. Please contact us so we can get you scheduled,
SSPs anyone?

We have had new SSPs join us! Please welcome Sarah and Ellie! We are pleased with our new SSP chat group. If you are not in the chat group please get the details from Amanda so you can hop in and not miss out.
Guess what! We took a poll towards the end of 2023 amongst our DeafBlind community and decided to get some bling.
Well...a SHEP t-shirt. Hahaha! Those that come to the next SHEP event will get their t-shirts first. After the event we will be sending them out to everyone we polled. No charge! This is all love.
We are working on our plans for the DB camp coming up in October. The theme is Happy Days! Think 50’s Happy rock and roll times. More details and registration forms will be rolling out.
Every month there is something going on so stay tuned!

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SHEP’s Connection Corner

Give Me The Scoop!

New Year, New Opportunities

Goals or Resolutions

Which do you prefer to call it, resolutions or goals for the new year? Well, we definitely have some new events on the way and more opportunities to get you connected and mingling. Speaking of mingle, December had quite the jingling and mingling! Let’s recall a few things that occurred before 2023 came to a close.

Amanda, our SSP manager, opened a restaurant in Midwest City called Bibbs Smokehouse. We were the first to dine and party the day away with our annual Christmas social. That food was dynamite! Of course, we had to dirty the place with some Dirty Santa, that is! What a time it was. Did you miss it? We have quite a line up coming to you for 2024. Some old favorites and some new.

Remember our SHEP van? It has been such a blessing! We have been able to use the van to transport conferences as well as rounding up the Tulsa area gang to join us here in the OKC area. There will be other opportunities where we will utilize the van to include more in various events.

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SHEP CONNECTION CORNER - November Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner


What goes up, must come down! And boy, oh boy, is the temperature doing just that!


I hope you didn’t miss out on the chili! SHEP’s Ho-down at Hope Ranch was full to the brim with conversation and fun. We even pet blind horses! It was a time that was had, indeed!

Earlier on in October on the 3rd, Cassandra, our founder, did a speaking engagement for the teacher of the OSU Stillwater’s ASL class (and former SHEP SSP), Rachel Hollis. Cassandra was able to share with them what SHEP has been blessed to do throughout the years.

It doesn’t end there! Cassandra attended a Christian Deaf Women’s Conference in Norman Oct. 13-15th where she was able to fellowship with other caring and encouraging ladies. In Arkansas, the 19th-22nd, our president and Jeri, of Jeri House, were able to reunite with the DeafBlind community at their DeafBlind camp whilst encouraging and continuing independent freedoms. Due to Covid it had been quite some time since they were able to come together.

 Did you know there is a deaf church? It’s actually called Deaf Church Oklahoma (DCO). This is where you wanted to be October 27th. Great food, games, and full hearts. Cassandra experienced it all!

November is here and SHEP chose Tulsa for our event for the month. We will be going to Jeri’s House November 11th. It will be IamDB and fall festival fun. We are blessed to have you all in our circle!

Psalm 107:8-9: "Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things." Psalm 95:2-3: "Let's come before Him with thanks! Let's shout songs of joy to Him!”

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SHEP CONNECTION CORNER - September Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

Okay, Summer, It’s time to get out of here!

We have a new SSP certified from the Tulsa area! Welcome KJ!

We made it through the heatwave!

Whew wee! It has been a scorcher. I hope you all have been staying hydrated. Heat exhaustion is a real thing. If you are going to be outside getting some sun, safety is always a primary concern. The good news is the heat is coming to an end! By the way, do you try to recycle? Little things help save the environment one water bottle at a time. This year has been flying by! Where has time gone? We are fast approaching the holidays and the time for family traditions. What tradition do you have? Please tell us! We want to hear them! The picture in this newsletter is of Cassandra at an African birthday celebration. It was a magnificent cultural event. Next time you see Cassandra, ask her all about it!

As the season changes and the air begins to smell different and carry a bit of chill in the air, we switch out our icee drinks for chili bowls. We have some exciting things planned for the fall! Check the calendar for upcoming events.

“For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.”-Habakkuk 2:3

We pray over you, giving thanks to be among you in each season. We pray for prosperity and joy in all your hearts and your homes.

Don’t forget to send us an email with your birthday, etc.

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SHEP’s Connection Corner

The stores already have Halloween out!

Steadily Growing!

We have been doing 1 on 1 trainings to get SSPs certified. We have a couple coming up! Yay! New SSPs!

It was the hottest month EVER!

That’s no exaggeration! July is the hottest month on record for the entire globe. They even said ice in Greenland has melted and formed little tiny lake pools. Let’s see what August brings. I know we are all looking for some relief from the furnace we call outside! Speaking of outside, we had a most refreshing time at the Botanical Myriad Gardens in July. It actually rained and cut our time a tad. It was a beautiful experience. We took a stroll through the children’s garden as well and discovered a vine covered tunnel that led into a secret gathering place. IamBD was cancelled for July due to a loss in the President’s, Cassandra’s, family. Just a couple of weeks before that Cassandra has gallbladder surgery. The good news is she is healed and able to eat more of the foods she loves now!

We are pleased to announce we are on our second contract year with a full staff to serve the DB community! And we have a van to help out along the way! There will be future SHEP related events we will extend van pickup service for. Stay in the know! 

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SHEP’s Connection Corner

Steadily Growing!

We have 2 new SSPs! One in the Tulsa area and one in the OKC area!

Welcome Juli and Keri!

The rain sure has been showing out!

Wow! July? Already? This year has wings! The earth must be mighty thirsty because it has been raining and pouring. So sorry we had to cancel our zoo outing for June due to the weather. Perhaps we can reschedule in the fall before it is cold and when it is not so hot. Hey! Did you make it out to Tacos for Life on June 20th for our fundraiser night? They reported to us that we made $22.09! Thank you everyone! Now we have a donut fundraiser coming up. Krispy Kreme is where it’s at! Check social media and share, share, share! By using our link to order a dozen donuts we get 50% of every order. Think of how much we can provide for the DeafBlind community with these funds! The fundraiser is from July 10th to the 28th.

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SHEP CONNECTION CORNER - June 2023 Newsletter

What’s the weather like while you’re reading this? Yep, It’s been all over the place!

Strong and Growing!

We have 1 new SSPs in the OKC area!

Welcome Lee!


Rain or Shine, we’re shining!

It’s June already? Wow! It seems we were just saying Happy New Year. A happy new year it has been, indeed! You guys, we are now officially members of the Midwest City Chamber of Commerce! Are you smiling? Are you jumping up and down? We sure did and are! We had a ribbon cutting ceremony last month and boy oh boy, what a blessing to be in this place. We are having a fundraiser night on June 20th. That’s a taco Tuesday from 5pm to 9om! Tell everyone you know and come out and eat!

Don’t forget, IamDB is in full effect. We are here to help train you on equipment that will help you evermore in your home. I don’t know about you, but my home is my favorite place to be. Let’s accommodate you there! So much is unfolding.

Psssst...Guess what?...The staff is learning sign language. You can help teach us, too! Have any feedback, suggestions, or questions? Reach out to us. We love hearing from you!

Due to popular requests, we now release two months of our activity schedule at a time so you will see we have June and July posted to help you plan ahead. 

We have a lot of events coming up! Be sure to check the calendar. See below for some that are coming up.

Don’t forget! Send us an email telling us your birthday, anniversary, or any special event so we can shout you out.

It was raining and pouring, but no old man was snoring! We’re here for fun!

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SHEP CONNECTION CORNER - May 2023 Newsletter

Steady & Growing!

We have 1 new SSP in the OKC area!

Spread the word and Keep requesting SSPs!

It has been pouring!

Both literally and figuratively, the rain has been pouring and the blessings have, too! Last month we got a grant from the Junior Service League in Midwest City, we are now members of the Midwest City Chamber of Commerce, and….WE GOT A VAN! So much more to come! It’s because of you and the community that it is all possible. “What is in your heart is the overflow of how you live your life.” I just heard that this week. Think about it. And guess what? SHEP has a heart the size of the galaxy for the community.

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SHEP CONNECTION CORNER - April 2023 Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

It’s Raining, It’s Pouring!...and Oh Boy, That Wind!

Strong and Growing!

We have 3 new SSPs! 3 in Tulsa and one in OKC!

SAY WHAT! Yes! Keep requesting SSPs!


Let it rain and the flowers shall bring forth!

Smell the wind of change? Smell the spring air? Well...we are springing into action with our clubs and events! You heard about IamDB launching last month! Got questions? Ask away! We are still gathering interested individuals in the program. Just ask Vicky and we will get you all squared away.

Here’s a word from Cassandra; Read the scripture Matthew 12: 34-35. It discusses how we speak positivity from the heart. Good people speak good out of their hearts and evil things come from the mouth of those that need a cleansed heart. Let’s pray, encourage, and lift each other up! Be a great influencer with a positive outlook. Let’s share our strengths and build a  strong and prosperous community brick by brick.

And building we are!

We have a lot of events coming up! Be sure to check the calendar. A reminder is below.

April 13th is our very own, Angelisha’s, birthday!

We would love to give you a shout out for your birthdays as well! Send us an email letting us know about your birthday, anniversary, or any special event so we can show love and shout you out. We love pictures too, so throw those in the email if you so please!


                      There’s no rain on this parade! Look what’s coming ahead!

Look at what the wind blew in!

April 18th, SHEP will be at A Taste of Midwest City!

Have you heard of it? A lot of vendors will be there!

5800 Will Rogers Road Midwest City, OK 73110



April 3rd Rose State College Spring Career Fair 10am to 2pm.

Rose State Campus in the Jeanie Webb Student Union building on the second floor.


April 15th SHEP Event - 10:30am to 12:30pm - Let’s roll the dice on FUN!

April Showers Brings Game Hour

OSU HSEC room  3401 W Reno, OKC, OK


April 15th there is also a social event at Jeri House to  meet at the Charles Page Blvd Highschool parking lot around 9:30 then shuttle to the Sand Springs Herbal Festival


April 25th Oklahoma Nonprofit Advocacy Day 8am to 12pm 

Oklahoma State Capitol, 2nd Floor Rotunda

Every first and 4th week of the month there is a coffee chat with the president. Join us!

Details on our calendar and social media!

Need a SSP? Contact Vicky!Want to be a SSP? We have what you need! Request or register on our website:


Contact our Operations manager Vicky Helms. Email

RIDDLE ME THIS: What goes up when rain comes down?

Answer: an umbrella!



 Give us some funnies on Facebook or email us: We would love to hear from you.

This April we challenge you to plant something and start recycling!

Find us on Facebook or visit our website

Hey, did you know?

  • April 9th is Easter this year.

  • April 28th is Arbor Day. This day is set aside to encourage us to plant trees to help the environment.

  • Taxes are due on the 15th. UGH.

  • The Land Run of 1889 happened in Oklahoma where  men and women rushed to claim homesteads or to purchase lots in one of the many new towns that sprang into existence overnight. An estimated eleven thousand agricultural homesteads were claimed.

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SHEP CONNECTION CORNER - March 2023 Newsletter

Do you feel lucky? It’s March!

Strong and Growing!

We want to welcome our new member of the SHEP team, Clinton Patton! He will be spearheading our grant efforts for the orgranzation.



We are launching our new program IamDB. This program focuses on the ability of the DeafBlind culture and promotes independent living while keeping the can do attitude through life skills and the ability to strengthen the DB skills through workshops and training. These opportunities will be available upon registration.

IamDB is starting strong and can’t wait to offer the very first workshop of labeling, accessibility training, available cane training, and assistance equipment and how to utilize these electronic devices and how they can apply to your life on a daily basis making independence a perfected ability. We encourage independence for the entire DeafBlind community and we are here readily available to provide any type of skills, mental health stability with dual sensory loss, and a powerful ability to conquer life’s challenges.

Workshops are available through registration by sending us an email, phone call, or send us a message on social media to get registered for any of the  workshops starting March 1st.

Don’ t forget to check the March Calendar so you don’t miss out on any events.

See below for workshops!

It’s the luck of the...YOU! It’s all you! Take a look

Look at the IamDB workshops and trainings.

Labeling and identification workshops – using braille labelers/braille dots/readers and identifying money

Equipment accessibility training – how to independently cook/clean/and navigate the world

Cane workshops – Are you in need of a cane or need assistance on using the cane correctly? Let us help

Assistance equipment workshop – Opening your world to different kinds of assistant equipment can make life clear and easy to navigate independently. Equipment for independent living to promote mental health is available upon attendance and training. Please attend and register for this workshop.

SSP and ME- How to effectively utilize my SSP and learning the different ways of communica-


Every first and 4th Friday of the month there is a coffee chat with the president. Join us!

Details on our calendar and social media!

Need a SSP? Want to be a SSP? We have what you need! Request or register on our website:


Contact our Operations manager Vicky Helms. Email

RIDDLE ME THIS: What falls during March but never gets hurt?

Answer: the rain


 Give us some funnies on Facebook or email us: We would love to hear from you.

This March we challenge you to take a photo or video of you dancing in the rain.

Find us on Facebook or visit our website

Did you know these awesome facts about Oklahoma?

  • · The shopping cart was invented in Ardmore in 1936.

  • · The nation's first parking meter was installed in Oklahoma City in 1935.

  • The first Girl Scout Cookie was sold in Muskogee in 1917

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