Posts tagged shepokc
SHEP Connection Corner - December Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

December 2024


The Cheerful Giver

Tis The Season Of Giving

Joy In This Time

YAY Friendsgiving was a blast. With new faces and some from the past.

We had crafts and fun and always great food, An amazing Friendsgiving will lighten your mood.

Next up we will have some Christmas fun to share with you and everyone!

It’s time to ring and jingle those bells, Sending Christmas cards and letters through mail.

Come spend time with us and have a fun time, and let’s get together for CHRISTMAS TIME. This year we will be rocking around the Christmas tree at the Yukon public library (details below).

Speaking of the observation of Jesus’ birthday, Happy, Happy birthday! Let’s shout out to Amanda, our very own SSP manager! Her special day is December 17th! Share your birthday with us so we can shout you out, too.

We have a GroupMe messaging group for all SSP to get daily updated information. If there’s an SSP not connected on GroupMe, please get in touch with Amanda the SSP manager. We are stronger together! We also encourage everyone to connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.

Calling all SSPs! This Christmas Party would be a great opportunity to collect some needed CEU hours. If you are needing to know your CEU balance, please contact Amanda for details.

We’re so excited to kick off our annual clothing drive to donate to the homeless shelter (details below)!

This Clothing drive would be an amazing opportunity to give back and to clean out those closets with gently used women and men’s clothing and new unopened toys.

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SHEP Connection Corner - November Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner


November 2024

Tornadoes, Shelters, Or Rakes?

Did you miss it?

The camp experience at Spring Valley Ranch was extraordinary! Thank you for all of you! We teamed with Jeri’s House this year and we cut many a rugs with all the dancing and game playing. missed it? If that’s you, have no fear! We will have camp again in fall of 2026! We’re already on the hunt for the next camp site.

Good ole Oklahoma. As I write this, we are under a tornado watch. It has been incredibly windy, blowing my patio furniture off my porch for the last three days. Be sure to stay in the know of the weather, especially surrounding plans needing a SSP. It may feel like spring so far this fall, but when the cold front comes it will surely come like a bowling ball ready for a strike. Be ready to cover outdoor water faucets and spouts. Rest assured we are mindful to schedule our events indoors.

Any hot chocolate drinkers out there? We are having our annual Thankful For Friends, or commonly known as Friendsgiving, event this month. We will supply refreshments and enjoyment. We just need one more ingredient...YOU! Please see details below so you can make your plans to be there.

Great news! We have had Support Service Providers (SSPs) in the OKC area move due to promotions and opportunities To God be the glory! We have availability for training! What is all this talk about SSPs? You will be trained to be the eyes and ears of the DeafBlind person you are assisting. They do all the work! You interpret the world around them as they navigate. It’s the gift of independent living and you get paid to do it. Knowing sign language is a big plus! Yes, even finger spelling. Those ABCs come in handy!

SHEP is hosting sign language classes for an independent living facility in Choctaw this month! Email us with your interest in classes and we can make it happen! So many things in the works! Stay connected on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

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SHEP Connection Corner - August Newsletter

SHEP's Connection Corner

Like a beanstalk…

We are growing and still hiring SSPs. We have

trainings available in Tulsa and OKC!

Did we beat the heat?

The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire!” Have you

heard of that song? The next verse says, “We don’t

need no water...!” Ummm...yes, yes do. We

need lots of water. This heat has been intense! We sure do hope you are keeping cool and staying hydrated out there. The bible even tells us how to keep a cool head. Proverbs 17:27-28 The intelligent person restrains his words, and one who keeps a cool head is a man of understanding.

July has been a scorcher! Please be good to us, August! July did bring about some good things though. July 17th was our vice president's, Alethea’s, birthday and then July 20th was our technical operations manager Tiara’s, birthday. We had a lot to celebrate! We also had a pretty spectacular indoor game day SHEP event.

School is starting up for many this month, from elementary to college. For that reason, we are not having an

August SHEP event. We will have one next month before we head out to camp in October. This month our SSP

manager will be going on vacation. All SSP requests must be received All SSP requests must be received before

August 11 th  and after August 19 th .  Changes to requests that have already been made cannot be accepted during

that time either. A letter will be emailed with more details.

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SHEP Connection Corner - April Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner


April Showers brings us...Opportunities!


Rain down on me

Blessings on blessings and blessed to be a blessing. James 1:17

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

We pray the blessings of the Lord rain down on you!

We have been on the move and enjoying the weather.

The season is near! Tornado season...and the constant change in the wind and temperature. April showers brings May flowers, and storms are a-coming.

Here are some things to take into consideration:

Sign up for weather alerts that provide notifications through text messages, emails, and/ or vibrations. Did you know that weather alert radios can provide real time weather updates with vibrating and flashing lights alerts? It’s crucial to have a safety plan in place, especially for tornadoes. What and where would be your safest shelter? Have a safety network in place. This could be neighbors, family, friends, or caregivers.

Our DeafBlind community here at SHEP has been growing. Oh happy day!

Speaking of Happy Day, our camp registration has opened. Camp will be in October, so it’s a hop, skip, and jump away. We have already received registration forms! How exciting! One common question has been the rooming and roommate situation. On your form, please fill it out completely with your requests. We are still gathering information about rooming. We will have a better idea when we get a little closer to the date. Cassandra, our president, and Jeri of Jeri’s House, will be taking another trip to the campsite and will have a better idea of how we will assign rooms between the DB and the SSPs/observers. We’ve already designed the camp shirts, taking inventory, and putting together the goodie bags. If you’ve ever been to one of our hosted camps, you know you’re in for quite a treat! 


Let’s Take a Stroll

Need a SSP? Contact Vicky! Want to be a SSP? Request or register on our website:

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