SHEP Connection Corner - August Newsletter

SHEP's Connection Corner

Like a beanstalk…

We are growing and still hiring SSPs. We have

trainings available in Tulsa and OKC!

Did we beat the heat?

The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire!” Have you

heard of that song? The next verse says, “We don’t

need no water...!” Ummm...yes, yes do. We

need lots of water. This heat has been intense! We sure do hope you are keeping cool and staying hydrated out there. The bible even tells us how to keep a cool head. Proverbs 17:27-28 The intelligent person restrains his words, and one who keeps a cool head is a man of understanding.

July has been a scorcher! Please be good to us, August! July did bring about some good things though. July 17th was our vice president's, Alethea’s, birthday and then July 20th was our technical operations manager Tiara’s, birthday. We had a lot to celebrate! We also had a pretty spectacular indoor game day SHEP event.

School is starting up for many this month, from elementary to college. For that reason, we are not having an

August SHEP event. We will have one next month before we head out to camp in October. This month our SSP

manager will be going on vacation. All SSP requests must be received All SSP requests must be received before

August 11 th  and after August 19 th .  Changes to requests that have already been made cannot be accepted during

that time either. A letter will be emailed with more details.

Camp! Camp! Camp!

Have you registered for camp yet? Open spots are dwindling but we do still have availability. Here is the link to


All registrations and payments are due September 10th. We already have bags and t-shirts made for registrants! There's still time to get in!


Take me out the ballgame!

Take me out to the crowd!

Can you smell the Cracker Jacks?

The OKC baseball club invited SHEP out to their first ever Deaf and Heard of Hearing Awareness


When: Friday, September 6th @ 7:05pm (doors open at 6)

For individual Tickets:2024 Deaf Awareness Night (

If we have at least 15 people interested we will try to get a group rate for tickets. Email

LaShundra Robinson at

Need a SSP? Contact Vicky! Want to be a SSP? Request or register on our website:


Contact our Operations manager Vicky Helms. Email

Hey, did you know?

~August is named after Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor.

~The world's first roller coaster opened in August 1884.

~There is no other month that begins on the same day of the week as August. In a leap year, however, August begins on the same day of the week as February.

~In the northern hemisphere, August is considered to be the last month of summer. In the southern hemisphere it’s the last of the winter months!

~Those born in August are brought into this world under one of two star signs. If you were born before August 22nd , you’re considered to be a Leo. If you’re born on the 23 rd later, you’re a Virgo. Leos are said to be very proud people who display great leadership. Virgos, on the other hand, are analytical and hardworking people, while still being kind and loyal.


What did the grape say when it got stepped on all summer?

Answer: Nothing, it just let out a little wine!?


Give us some funnies on Facebook or email us: We would love to hear from you.

It’s August and we need more recipes to put together a recipe book for fall! Find us on Facebook or visit our website