Posts tagged db
SHEP’s Connection Corner - January Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

January 2024



God doesn’t give us resolutions. We get revelations. Something to think about... What have you reflected on and how are you taking that and moving forward? Greatness is in you and with you, And we are blessed to be a part of your circle.

Here is our prayer for you to kick off the year.


We pray love, wellness, prosperity, and love over each and every reader of this newsletter and any connections they have with anyone. We pray for the hands, minds, and hearts of everyone, from the leader of the country, authorities,and loved ones, debt collectors, and anyone that runs across our minds. Lord, we come to you with thankfulness in our hearts for the gifts you bestow on us daily. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Let’s get this year started on the right foot. I heard a joke that right before the clock strikes midnight on New Years, if you lift your left leg and only stand on your right leg, then you’re guaranteed to start the year off on the right foot. Either way, we’re in it to win it, and on the right foot at that!

We “sleighed” December! Our annual Christmas party was nothing short of fun and laughter. Congratulations to the winners of the Musical Popcorn game! It was a game where when the music stopped and you were the one holding the wrapped gift (kind of passed around like hot potato) then you were the one that had 3 seconds to blurt out a holiday themed word that no one else has already said. You can imagine the hilarity. You just had to have Been there!

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SHEP Connection Corner - December Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

December 2024


The Cheerful Giver

Tis The Season Of Giving

Joy In This Time

YAY Friendsgiving was a blast. With new faces and some from the past.

We had crafts and fun and always great food, An amazing Friendsgiving will lighten your mood.

Next up we will have some Christmas fun to share with you and everyone!

It’s time to ring and jingle those bells, Sending Christmas cards and letters through mail.

Come spend time with us and have a fun time, and let’s get together for CHRISTMAS TIME. This year we will be rocking around the Christmas tree at the Yukon public library (details below).

Speaking of the observation of Jesus’ birthday, Happy, Happy birthday! Let’s shout out to Amanda, our very own SSP manager! Her special day is December 17th! Share your birthday with us so we can shout you out, too.

We have a GroupMe messaging group for all SSP to get daily updated information. If there’s an SSP not connected on GroupMe, please get in touch with Amanda the SSP manager. We are stronger together! We also encourage everyone to connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.

Calling all SSPs! This Christmas Party would be a great opportunity to collect some needed CEU hours. If you are needing to know your CEU balance, please contact Amanda for details.

We’re so excited to kick off our annual clothing drive to donate to the homeless shelter (details below)!

This Clothing drive would be an amazing opportunity to give back and to clean out those closets with gently used women and men’s clothing and new unopened toys.

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SHEP Connection Corner - August Newsletter

SHEP's Connection Corner

Like a beanstalk…

We are growing and still hiring SSPs. We have

trainings available in Tulsa and OKC!

Did we beat the heat?

The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire!” Have you

heard of that song? The next verse says, “We don’t

need no water...!” Ummm...yes, yes do. We

need lots of water. This heat has been intense! We sure do hope you are keeping cool and staying hydrated out there. The bible even tells us how to keep a cool head. Proverbs 17:27-28 The intelligent person restrains his words, and one who keeps a cool head is a man of understanding.

July has been a scorcher! Please be good to us, August! July did bring about some good things though. July 17th was our vice president's, Alethea’s, birthday and then July 20th was our technical operations manager Tiara’s, birthday. We had a lot to celebrate! We also had a pretty spectacular indoor game day SHEP event.

School is starting up for many this month, from elementary to college. For that reason, we are not having an

August SHEP event. We will have one next month before we head out to camp in October. This month our SSP

manager will be going on vacation. All SSP requests must be received All SSP requests must be received before

August 11 th  and after August 19 th .  Changes to requests that have already been made cannot be accepted during

that time either. A letter will be emailed with more details.

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SHEP CONNECTION CORNER - February Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

What is love?
Love is patient. Love is kind.
We have been in love with the spring weather we have been getting sprinkled here and there! !
We want to interpret our love with an IamDB Valentine event. In the upcoming months we will have fun together with the help of the pitter patter of little paws. We are planning to have a guide dog special!
We have lots of love to give! We want to love on our SSPs as well. We will have 2 events to spoil our beloved SSPs while we recertify them. The OKC team will have a paint and sip while the Tulsa team will go bowling. Next time we may do a switch-a-roo of the activities. We have had questions about recertification for SSPs that are coming up due. If you’re coming up due for re-certification before September 2024, our spring certification sign ups are open. If you will be due September or later this year we will hold another re-certification in the fall. Please contact us so we can get you scheduled,
SSPs anyone?

We have had new SSPs join us! Please welcome Sarah and Ellie! We are pleased with our new SSP chat group. If you are not in the chat group please get the details from Amanda so you can hop in and not miss out.
Guess what! We took a poll towards the end of 2023 amongst our DeafBlind community and decided to get some bling.
Well...a SHEP t-shirt. Hahaha! Those that come to the next SHEP event will get their t-shirts first. After the event we will be sending them out to everyone we polled. No charge! This is all love.
We are working on our plans for the DB camp coming up in October. The theme is Happy Days! Think 50’s Happy rock and roll times. More details and registration forms will be rolling out.
Every month there is something going on so stay tuned!

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SHEP’s Connection Corner

The stores already have Halloween out!

Steadily Growing!

We have been doing 1 on 1 trainings to get SSPs certified. We have a couple coming up! Yay! New SSPs!

It was the hottest month EVER!

That’s no exaggeration! July is the hottest month on record for the entire globe. They even said ice in Greenland has melted and formed little tiny lake pools. Let’s see what August brings. I know we are all looking for some relief from the furnace we call outside! Speaking of outside, we had a most refreshing time at the Botanical Myriad Gardens in July. It actually rained and cut our time a tad. It was a beautiful experience. We took a stroll through the children’s garden as well and discovered a vine covered tunnel that led into a secret gathering place. IamBD was cancelled for July due to a loss in the President’s, Cassandra’s, family. Just a couple of weeks before that Cassandra has gallbladder surgery. The good news is she is healed and able to eat more of the foods she loves now!

We are pleased to announce we are on our second contract year with a full staff to serve the DB community! And we have a van to help out along the way! There will be future SHEP related events we will extend van pickup service for. Stay in the know! 

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SHEP CONNECTION CORNER - May 2023 Newsletter

Steady & Growing!

We have 1 new SSP in the OKC area!

Spread the word and Keep requesting SSPs!

It has been pouring!

Both literally and figuratively, the rain has been pouring and the blessings have, too! Last month we got a grant from the Junior Service League in Midwest City, we are now members of the Midwest City Chamber of Commerce, and….WE GOT A VAN! So much more to come! It’s because of you and the community that it is all possible. “What is in your heart is the overflow of how you live your life.” I just heard that this week. Think about it. And guess what? SHEP has a heart the size of the galaxy for the community.

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