Posts tagged cowboy
SHEP’s Connection Corner - March Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner

March 2025

Forward, March!

Welcome to Oklahoma!

That weather was a doozy and then to double it with that weird strand of whatever illness cocktail was going around. We pray everyone has been protected, is healed, and is well. Speaking of illness cocktails, How about those allergies?

One really neat fact is, honey actually helps alleviate symptoms of seasonal allergies. (If you’re not allergic to honey, of course.)

The key is the bees. The local bees make the local honey. The pollen on their bodies when they go from flower to flower falls into their honey making process, thus anyone consuming the honey is actually consuming antibodies. Nature is so cool!

Share with us your allergy remedies. It may help someone ❤️

February was lovely nonetheless, even if it only felt like a week. Here we are marching to the beat of...well...march!

in February we loved our a game day event. It was a great time and friendly competition. It’s fun to get out of the house and hang out with friends.

Forward, March! This month we will invite you to join us on People with disabilities day. be sure to check out the details below!

who likes green and a good time? I sure did! But, did you know that’s not really what saint Patrick’s day is about? It’s actually a Christian holiday and a very special day in ireland. St. Patrick was a former slave that escaped and became a priest. he then spread christianity to the multitudes throughout ireland. He even created a celtic cross amongst other things to spread the word of God. Because of his love for god,they called him a saint.

Ireland observes the day of his death as a holy day, St. Patrick’s day. Throughout the years tales have been spun and we see leprechauns protecting gold and drinking beer and wearing green to avoid getting pinched. I do admit finding a four leaf clover is always awesome!

What's going on?

People with disabilities awareness day

When: Noon to 4:30 pm on March 11

Where: Oklahoma History Center, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Be seen, wear green.

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SHEP’s Connection Corner


We found four leaf clovers!

It’s YOU! You are our lucky charms. We surely got the luck of the draw to have you all! Community is nothing without the parts inside of it. Thank you for being those parts!

It’s easy to think of luck or money. “If I win the lottery I would….If I had a million dollars the first thing I will do is…”

Let’s reflect on the Word.

Here are a few.

Philippians 4:19:And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

Proverbs 10:22:The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.

2 Corinthians 9:8:And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.

We are blessed and grateful to be able to continually sow into the DeafBlind community. Here lately we’ve been singing in the rain. Cold rain, but still the rain. And it has been raining down indeed in more ways than one!

February we loved on braille. It was so much fun practicing reading braille on heart cut outs and having to follow the directions by acting it out with the teddy bears, Directions such as hug the puppy, pet the teddy, swing the teddy in a circle. Man oh man, you should have been present when Cassandra, our president and founder, was swinging that teddy around! This month we are Marching in on social media with challenges, pics, videos, and interesting fact. Be sure to follow us!

We also wanted our SSPs to join us in the celebration of love with our SSP nights. It seemed no one was available for our events so we will schedule some more SSP fun nights soon.

Every month there is something going on so stay tuned!

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