SHEP Connection Corner - May Newsletter

SHEP’s Connection Corner


Here are the May Flowers!

Oh, and surely more rain!

The season in among us for tornados. Be sure to be safe and have an action plan for instances of tornado warnings.

Days are here where you walk outside and smell the rain to come! All this rain has brought many flowers to bloom and the insects and animals are doing their dances to bring in summer.

The community is humming and thriving! We have new members that have joined and new SSPs! We are hoping to gain Support Service Providers in the small surrounding cities so we can reach further across Oklahoma. We now have reach in Stillwater! SHEP is a great opportunity for extra income, meeting and mingling, experience, and impacting the community. We too are blooming this spring because of YOU. Do you know anyone that would benefit from our services or would like to be a part of SHEP? We definitely want to hear from you!

Onward with anointed momentum! We went to the Myriad Garden in April and put some senses to work in a jungle setting. It was a cool spring day but you couldn’t tell from the indoor garden we hiked through. Have you ever been on the Crystal Bridge? We marked that off our bucket list as well as touched and smelled plants from different parts of the world. It’s amazing to see what growth occurs in the world’s gardens. Look at what the Bible says about growth.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. –Galatians 6:9

So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. - Colossians 1:10

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. -Matthew 6:33

Did you hear the good news, friends? Things are to be added to you!


All Aboard!

Need a SSP? Contact Vicky! Want to be a SSP? Request or register on our website:


Contact our Operations manager Vicky Helms. Email

Want to donate?

We have CashApp and PayPal.

Pssst...Wish our finance manager, Angelisha, a happy birthday! It was in April!

May 18th we are going to the

Oklahoma Railway


3400 NE Grand Blvd, OKC, OK

From 10a.m. to 12p.m.

This will be an awesome experience you can tick off your bucket list and have the opportunity to touch the trains n the outside and inside of the cabin. Maybe we will even get to touch the controls!

Train rides are $10.00 per person

Did you know?...

The birthstone of May is the emerald, symbolizing success and love.

May was once considered a bad luck month to get married.

The Latin word Maius, which was given to the Greek goddess of growth Maia, is where the name May first appeared.

The phrase “May the Force be with you” is a play on words, and May 4th is popularly recognized as Star Wars Day.

For US presidents, May is a very excellent month. No American president has ever passed away in May. U.S. presidents passed away every other month of the year.

Mother’s Day is observed on the second Sunday in May in various nations, including the United States, Canada, and Australia


What insect can’t make decisions?

Answer: A May-BEE!

Get it!?... Haha!

Give us some funnies on Facebook or email us: We’d love to hear from you.

This May we challenge you to go out and pick a flower and take a picture with it. Send it to us so we can share on social media!