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HKNC Summer Programs

HKNC is excited to announce three (3) virtual summer learning opportunities for youth, ages 16-22. The attached flyers provide brief program descriptions for each:


M~POWER (two weeks)

This includes an introduction to the world of work and emphasizes the five areas of Pre-ETS: job exploration counseling, work-based learning experiences, counseling on post-secondary educational opportunities, workplace readiness training, and self-advocacy.


Summer Youth Vocational Program (SYVP), Session 1 and 2 (six weeks)

This offers opportunities to gain knowledge and experience in the following areas: vocational exploration, self-determination, advocacy, communication methods, worksite orientation & mobility, assistive aids & devices, and interviewing & employment skills. Participants will gain self-awareness through the process of gathering information about their interests, abilities, and values. They will explore the “world of work” through the distribution of information of a variety of career options. As a result of their discoveries through self-awareness and “world of work”, participants will narrow potential career options supported by informed decision-making.


Summer Assessment (eight weeks)

This will offer opportunities to gain knowledge and experience in the following areas:

1.      Career and Job Exploration

2.      Virtual Worksite Tours

3.      Workplace Readiness Skills

4.      Counseling on Post-Secondary Education

5.      Adaptive Technology

6.      Self-advocacy - Facilitate an IEP meeting

7.      Orientation & Mobility

8.      Low Vision and Audiology

9.      Communication


Along with the assessment areas, participants may choose to join peer-learning groups such as Emergency Preparedness, ASL instruction, Virtual Yoga, Coping with COVID-19 Support Group, Advocacy in the Deaf-Blind World, and Working with Support Service Providers (SSPs).


Additionally, HKNC is offering virtual assessment and training for adults who are not transition-age,  who have both vision and hearing loss during this summer and fall.  These services will be provided via remote learning methods unique to each individual depending on their communication methods and access to technology. 


The assessment and training will occur in the five core areas of orientation & mobility, communication, independent living, technology and vocational preparation/soft skills, with additional support in the areas of low vision, audiology and creative arts.  There is flexibility with developing the individual’s schedule and number of classes.  Outcomes from the assessment and training are co-developed with the individual, vocational rehabilitation counselor, HKNC regional representative and HKNC instructors. 


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